Everyone’s life is unique, and so is their relationship with gaming. External factors like daily schedule and socioeconomic level, as well as internal motivations (more on that later) all affect how people engage with mobile games.
Here are a few aspects that highlight the different kinds of gamers out there:
In GameRefinery’s Motivations and Demographics Snapshot Report: February 2022, they describe mobile gamers within a “Motivational Driver framework.” This model includes 6 overarching categories, each with two drivers that are somewhat yin and yang. These Motivational Drivers help us more deeply understand the psychology of why gamers game.
While characteristics like age and sex are less important to advertisers than player motivations, they’re not irrelevant either. The report from GameRefinery gives examples of specific games within their motivational driver framework and the percentage of players by gender and by age group.
One thing we can learn is that motivational factors in a game only somewhat correlate to the demographics of its players. The author of the report says:
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