According to the India Games Market Report published by Niko Partners, nearly a third of Indians play video games across all platforms (444 million people). What stands out among this group is that 96.8% of all gamers play on a smartphone or tablet. The dominance of mobile devices comes from the practical reason that low-cost smartphones are the easiest way to access the internet and gaming.
Mobile gaming is already international due to the global nature of the internet, but specifically targeting India through marketing campaigns and promotions can help you break into this region.
First and foremost, focus on mobile games – they comprise nearly the entire market. The next consideration is what type of games Indians prefer, and the answer is a wide variety of competitive and casual games. The most popular games in India include many familiar titles like Candy Crush, Call of Duty, and PUBG Mobile.
Brands looking to enter the Indian market or expand their current reach should look toward mobile gaming for co-branding partnerships. These collaborations could include:
There are endless creative possibilities when bridging the physical and digital worlds, so don’t be limited to only ideas that others have tried. Only novel ideas can be revolutionary.
With strong indications for sustained growth in India’s gaming sector, the most important step for the present is getting prepared. Whether as a brand owner or a game designer, collaborative efforts are an effective strategy to break into the Indian market.
Brand owners interested in mobile game integration should work with an experienced licensing agency like Play Management Company. Their team matches your brand with popular games that have similar audiences. These targeted gamers have low acquisition cost and high lifetime value.
Contact us today to learn more.
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